Be your own Stylist

Identify your personal style, your body type, colours and accessories that work for you.

Learn how to own your personal style, that is you and not a borrowed concept of a retailer. It’s everything you ever wanted to know about styling!

Does it take you hours to select & style the right pair of clothes with accessories & colour every time you’ve to go out & still you are not happy with the whole look. 

You need to learn the tips & tricks of choosing the right outfit for any occasion, styling, and wearing your outfits. You want to look the best of yourself every time you go out for a formal meeting, or a casual brunch with your girl gang or a romantic date night with your partner, or a wedding, or just a casual outing with your family. But the thought of dressing up for that event or buying new clothes and accessories gives you deep chills and you drop the whole idea.


  • You find it hard to understand what kind of clothes suits your body & personality
  • Most of the pieces in your wardrobe don’t work for you when you’ve to go out on ANY occasion
  • You spend so much on buying new bags, shoes, belts, earrings, and other accessories but you just don’t understand how to wear them
  • You don’t wear 80% of your clothes because they just don’t look good on you
  • You impulsively buy clothes while shopping but never actually wear it


About Jainee


You’re not alone!!

The real problem is, you know you want to sort your everyday outfits & style, but you don’t know where & how to start. That’s why I created

Be your Own Stylist

The one and only guide that gives you access to

  • Well curated course of 12 modules, with 92 videos
  • A comprehensive E-book on styling of over 60 pages
  • Tons of practical exercises.
  • Quizzes that will test what you learnt and how you implemented.
  • Special access to My Facebook Community

$250Enroll Now

PS – Get benefits worth $1200

How would it feel…

  • To have just the right clothes to match your requirements for every single event, from casual to formal to festive to wedding. 
  • To know your exact lifestyle & personal style and body type while choosing the outfits?
  • To have a highly functional & versatile wardrobe that has just the right solution to all your clothing problems?
  • To be the owner of your style for every single outfit your wear and every tiny accessory your pair, be it bags, belts, shoes, watches, earrings, bracelets, literally anything?

Carefully designed modules that will up your styling mantra

  • Module 1 – Lifestyle Analysis

    Number of Chapters: 3

    Being the master of your style starts when you truly understand what your lifestyle looks like. Whether it demands more formal exposure, or you’re allowed to experiment with semi-formals & casuals, or you’re more towards funky & flowy clothing, we analyze every single aspect in this module so that you buy the clothes that you actually need.

  • Module 2 – Personal Style Analysis

    Number of Chapters: 3

    When you buy clothes, do you really pick them because you like them or just because they’re in fashion? This is exactly what we’re gonna determine in this module. We’ll go through your personal likes & dislikes towards clothing & fashion so that you can get to know what exactly is your choice of clothing.

  • Module 3 – Unique Body Code

    Number of Chapters: 5

    What’s the most important thing you need to know when you’re working towards choosing the right clothes & finding your personal style? It’s your unique body shape. In this module, we consider every aspect of your body, your dominant parts, and the way you feel about them so that you can develop a sense of positivity towards your image and embrace your body with all its shapes & sizes.

  • Module 4 – Lengthen the Look

    Number of Chapters: 9

    Sounds tricky? Well, if you always wonder how can I look tall, how do I make my legs look longer, or what length of tops looks good on me, what waist length I should consider for bottom wear – this module aims to solve just these. Clothing is all about creating an illusion around your body. You can play with different lengths & sizes of outfits and make them work for your body shape.

  • Module 5 – Focal Point

    Number of Chapters: 3

    Do you know there’s something called the hero of your outfit? Have you seen those jewelry ads or summer/winter outfits ads? Do you remember the products shown or the model who was wearing them? Of course, the product, because that’s the main focus of such ads. The same thing applies when you’re dressing up. And this module tells you exactly how you can create a center of focus in your outfit right according to the occasion.

  • Module 6 – Colour in Styling

    Number of Chapters: 10

    This is one of the most important modules in this course which extensively talks about the colors that you can consider while dressing up. You can wear & style any color you want without any restriction, you just need to have the fine balance, combination, and confidence to pull that look out!

  • Module 7 – Jewellery in Styling

    Number of Chapters: 7

    If you haven’t been able to wear your jewellery or if you don’t know what kind of jewellery you should buy, this module takes you through the whole rules of styling jewellery as per your outfit. Considering your personal style, likes & dislikes, metals, pieces, and everything else.

  • Module 8 – Accessories in Styling

    Number of Chapters: 5

    When you’re dressing up, do you consider bags, shoes & belts as a part of your outfit or you just keep your styling limited to the clothes & jewellery? This module takes you through the ways you can mix and match your accessories with your outfit to get the complete glamorous look.

  • Module 9 – Styling Hacks

    Number of Chapters: 9

    You know, the tiniest things make the biggest difference in the way you style your outfits. This module focuses on all those tiny details from shopping & choosing the right lingerie, to doing your nails, makeup & hair, matching prints, maintaining clothes & keeping your modesty levels in check.

  • Module 10 – Wardrobe & Smart Shopping

    Number of Chapters: 6

    This module is all about decluttering and organizing your wardrobe in a way that it becomes an infinite source of style for you, delving into smart shopping techniques whether online or offline, investing in clothes that you truly enjoy wearing, and the way your ideal wardrobe should look like.

  • Module 11 – Practical demonstrations

    Number of Chapters: 8

    This module is all styling 3 gorgeous women and practically trying out everything that you learned in the previous 10 modules. A power-packed mini-styling series where you’ll see what goes behind styling different body codes, lifestyles, and personal styles.

  • Module 12 – Let’s Style Out

    Number of Chapters: 12

    This module sums up everything you learned and talks about how clothing is not just limited to your body shape or your clothes, it’s more about the way you live your life, your personal style, the kind colors that complement your energy, and all tiny little aspects that go behind putting your look together.

Don’t take my word for it.. See what they have to say..

But wait! There is more. Enroll now and get –

  • My comprehensive E-book on style and body. 
  • Access to The Styling Directory with brands mentioned across the globe to buy unique products & accessories.
  • Exclusive access to my Facebook Community Group
  • Access to doubt clearing sessions with me.
  • Support over email and chat.
  • Downloadable PDF’s of outfit planners for Travel, Wedding & Weekly outfits
  • Downloadable PDF’s of Know your unique style in 5 simple steps
  • Downloadable PDF’s of ideal wardrobe composition and cost per wear  

$250Enroll Now

Once you complete this course, you will 100% leave that fear of styling and be confident about the way you dress up, about the colors you wear, the curves you flaunt, and the way you feel about yourself.

Be your own stylist with this course

I can assure you, you will not have to spend hours to select & style the right pair of clothes, accessories, colour every time you’ve to go out.

$250Enroll Now

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