Social casual events could be a birthday party, dinner at a friends place, etc… and business casual will be events that you attend with business colleagues, like an after office party or in some cases it can be a Friday at work or in more relaxed office environment it could be a regular day at work.
Social events could have a bit of more skin show or fitted garments, because its a social event, the impression or image to be created is not of a serious worker but of fun and friendly nature. You can also experiment with bold accessories, shinier fabrics, colorful contrasts for your outfit styling.
With business casual, although it is casual, it is still a business day or a business event. Your colleagues will be there with you and although it does not mean that you have to be very formally dressed always but conservative dressing works when you are trying to create an image amongst the office crowd. Opt for more classic cuts and styles, you can experiment with accessories or few colors to create your own unique personal style.